
夏天, 再見

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Vancouver is a melting pot for its diverse culture and, as food lovers know it, various restaurants featuring different types of ethnic food. Due to the large Asian population in Vancouver, there is always a wide range of Asian restaurants to choose from whether you are in the mood for some cheap and quick Asian comfort food or dressing up for a fancy Asian fusion restaurant.

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  Skookumchuck Hot Springs  

警告: 這篇有點閃

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我有一個和我同年, 從小和我一起長大的表哥

小時候我們常常玩在一起, 也很常吵架 XD

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  Seaside beach  

美國Oregon州road trip的 day 1 和 day 2 在這裡:

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Seaside Beach  

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Seaside Beach

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My company had been trying to organize a work event in the summer while the weather is gorgeous in Vancouver. Due to the nature of Vancity weather, the weather is usually only nice for about two months of the year, in July and August. So everyone tries to fill up their summer weekends as much as possible with outdoor activities. Because of this, it had been nearly impossible to find a Saturday night when everyone was free to get together. The event had been planned, cancelled, and postponed many times. It finally happened last Saturday. We still missed a couple coworkers, but oh well.

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Originally when I first decided to open a blog, I couldn't decide whether or not I wanted to write in Chinese or English. All of my friends in Canada are English speaking, so they wouldn't be able to read my blog if it were in Chinese. However I've decided to register an account with Pixnet and write in Chinese. The reason being is so that my friends and family in Taiwan, whom I don't get to see very often, can keep in contact with me and know what I've been up to. As for my friends here, I can easily catch up with them in person.

Now I've decided that I will post some English posts as well as Chinese, so that everyone will be able to read it! :)

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