目前分類:Chloe愛生活 (2)

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me_spanish banks1  

好啦其實標題是在說我自己, 只是想用個聳動一點的標題騙你們點進來看而已,


Chloe 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()


My company had been trying to organize a work event in the summer while the weather is gorgeous in Vancouver. Due to the nature of Vancity weather, the weather is usually only nice for about two months of the year, in July and August. So everyone tries to fill up their summer weekends as much as possible with outdoor activities. Because of this, it had been nearly impossible to find a Saturday night when everyone was free to get together. The event had been planned, cancelled, and postponed many times. It finally happened last Saturday. We still missed a couple coworkers, but oh well.

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