me ariel 2014a  


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前前後後的時間算起來, 乾哥也在日本住了快十年了~

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me_steve australia day    


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之前有人問我 我們為什麼沒有交往,

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My bro flies in from Japan tomorrow! Super stoked to see him!!!!! :D

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上禮拜在臉書po了這張照片, 結果意外的得到好多人的稱讚~


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最近實在是太太太忙了! 部落格一整個荒廢 ><

我現在比較常更新臉書粉絲頁, 大家有空來玩吧! 記得按讚follow我喔! ^^

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大熊真的是我認識的歪果人中, 對亞洲文化很有興趣的

他常常做一些很可愛又好笑的事情, 所以我決定來寫一篇歪果人的趣事~

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fall style  

Cardigan: Wilfred (Aritzia)

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I'm officially back in school! 10 years ago I was a freshman at UVic. Life was full of endless possibilities back then. At the beginning of September, there were so many activities on campus for first year students. Everyone was eager to meet new people and explore the new and exciting university life. Throughout my university years, I've had some ups and downs, but for the most part, I had a really great time. I thoroughly enjoyed my life being a university student. I did most things that a normal university student did. I partied, I drank, I dated, oh and whenever necessary, I studied and got through my courses.

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